Thursday, November 4, 2010


It seems my Dad and I unknowingly saved the best for last because our final meal in Vegas gets the award for best dining experience.  The competition was stiff but Switch, a lovely and might I add delicious restaurant in the Encore, made an unforgettable impression that simply couldn’t be beat.  One look at their menu and I knew it was going to be a fantastic night....and then this happened...

In case you couldn’t get a clear view from the video let me explain- the decor changed not once...not twice...but five times while we ate.  Five!  And each time it was different!  Sometimes new walls would appear, sometimes the entire ceiling would change, and every time I was left speechless.  If you’re ever in Las Vegas you absolutely must see it for yourself.  Check back tomorrow for more pictures from the trip- I got a little camera happy towards the end :). 


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